We take care of your oral health

Who we are

In some cases, the sum of the parts is much better than the whole. And in the world of oral health, we, DONTE GROUP, prove it every day.

We want to To contribute through our specialty brands to improve dentistry, society and the planet by making oral health accessible to everyone, especially those who need it most.

In some cases, the sum of the parts is much better than the whole. And in the world of oral health, we, DONTE GROUP, prove it every day.

We want to To contribute through our specialty brands to improve dentistry, society and the planet by making oral health accessible to everyone, especially those who need it most.


We are big because we are made up of many small parts with the same purpose. For us, each patient is unique, which is why our brands are adapted to the expectations and needs of each patient.

Ethical Channel

The Ethical Channel constitutes an essential tool that opens a path of confidential communication with the purpose of being able to report any activity that deviates from the rules of our Code of Conduct or involves the commission of illegal acts within our company.

For DONTE GROUP, the Ethical Channel represents a significant opportunity to continue improving our organization, since it allows us to identify behaviors that do not comply with our ethical principles and, in this way, address any ambiguous or uncertain situation that may threaten our fundamental values. Therefore, the Ethical Channel plays an essential role in carrying out this commitment.



Clinics in Spain

+ 5.000



collaborating doctors


million patients served


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Nuestra marca especializada en ortodoncia infantil y odontopediatría. En nuestras clínicas, buscamos que los tratamientos sean divertidos y educativos para cada niño, y lo más agradable y sencillo posible para sus padres.

En Moonz, cada paciente cuenta con un especialista de principio a fin, implicado al máximo en su tratamiento. Y para favorecer todavía más la cercanía en nuestro servicio, las clínicas Moonz están concebidas como espacios abiertos, llenos de magia y color, que dan seguridad y tranquilidad tanto a los pequeños pacientes como a sus padres.

Con todo ello, logramos fomentar su creatividad, su desarrollo y la adquisición de buenos hábitos dentro y fuera de la clínica, sin renunciar a la máxima calidad y excelencia.

Nuestra marca más fresca y desenfadada, especializada en tratamientos de estética dental. Diseñamos la mejor versión de las sonrisas con métodos rápidos, sencillos, cómodos y eficaces, a precios competitivos.

Con Smysecret cuidamos todos los aspectos para que nuestros pacientes consigan la sonrisa que siempre han deseado. Lo hacemos a través de los tratamientos que gracias al uso de la tecnología redefinen la experiencia en el dentista. Dentro de la marca nos hemos especializado en tratamientos cómodos y sin dolor mediante nuestra ortodoncia invisible, esmalte dental permanente, blanqueamientos y gingivoplastia. Trabajamos cada día para que la experiencia de nuestros pacientes se adapte a sus necesidades, ya sea en nuestras clínicas independientes o en corners y boxes en clínicas de Vitaldent.

Toda la experiencia, con cada uno de nuestros productos y tratamientos, contribuyen a la revolución de la estética dental y el cuidado de la sonrisa como impulsora de la felicidad que, desde su creación, abanderamos con Smysecret.

La marca con la que instauramos una nueva forma de ir al dentista, que ha marcado un antes y un después en la manera de entender la odontología.

Con Vitaldent, fuimos los primeros en abrir clínicas dentales a pie de calle, en prestar un servicio de odontología integral en un mismo centro, y en ofrecer financiación a medida con amplios horarios y una gran presencia en toda España. Proporcionamos a cada paciente un tratamiento personalizado y global para recuperar íntegramente la salud y armonía de su boca.

Con todo ello, buscamos hacer accesible la odontología de calidad a cada persona con la tecnología avanzada, tratamientos de calidad y profesionales de experiencia contrastada

La marca con la que creamos un nuevo concepto de calidad médica odontológica que cuida cada detalle del proceso, generando una experiencia donde la innovación es el centro de todo.

MAEX está formada por un grupo de odontólogos con un conocimiento único y una gran pasión por la práctica de la odontología que trabajan para ser la máxima referencia del sector. Con ellos, creamos el estado del arte de la disciplina, caracterizado por la excelencia técnica, el conocimiento y la calidad en la atención.

De esta forma, buscamos guiar el camino a la odontología del futuro, uniendo maestría y excelencia para crear un nuevo concepto y estándar de calidad odontológica.

The brand with which we have created a new concept of quality medical dentistry that takes into account every detail of the process, generating an experience where innovation is at the centre.

MAEX is formed by a group of dentists with a unique knowledge and a great passion for the practice of dentistry who endeavour to be the main reference in the sector. Through them, we create the state of the art of the discipline, characterised by technical excellence, knowledge and quality of care.

We thus seek to lead the way to the dentistry of the future, combining expertise and excellence to create a new concept and standard of dental quality.

Our coolest and most carefree brand that specialises in aesthetic dental treatments for young patients. We design the best version of smiles with fast, simple, comfortable and effective methods, at competitive prices.

At Smysecret we take care of every aspect to make sure that our patients get the smile they have always wanted. We do this through treatments which, thanks to the use of technology, redefine the dental experience. Within the brand we specialise in comfortable, painless treatments through our invisible orthodontics, permanent dental enamel, whitening and gingivoplasty procedures. We strive every day to ensure that our patients’ experience is tailored to their needs, whether in our stand-alone clinics or in corners and boxes in Vitaldent clinics.

All our experience in each of our products and treatments contributes to the revolution in aesthetic dentistry and smile care as a driver of happiness that we have been championing with Smysecret since its creation.

Our brand that specialises in paediatric dentistry and orthodontics. In our clinics, we aim to make the treatments fun and educational for each child, and as pleasant and simple as possible for their parents.

At Moonz, each patient has a specialist involved in their treatment from start to finish. And to further enhance the amiability of our service, the Moonz clinics are designed as open spaces full of magic and colour that provide security and peace of mind for both youngsters and parents.

Through all this, we manage to encourage their creativity, their development and the acquisition of good habits inside and outside the clinic, without sacrificing the highest quality and excellence.

The brand with which we have established a new way of going to the dentist, marking a turning point in the way of understanding dentistry.

Vitaldent was the first company to open walk-in dental clinics that provide a comprehensive dentistry service with different areas in the same centre and to offer tailored financing with extended hours and a large number of branches in Spain. We provide each patient with a customised, comprehensive treatment to fully recover the health and harmony of their mouth.

By doing this, we seek to make quality dentistry accessible to every person with the most advanced technology, the best treatments and professionals with proven experience.